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General Information
From: April 13, 2024
To: April 14, 2024
Location: Budmerice, Slovakia
Capacity: 72
Divisions: MPO, FPO, MP40, MJ18 and FJ18
Course: 18 holes, PAR 61, total length 1952 m
Name: Michal Kúdela
Phone: +421 911 571 000
Number of rounds: 3
Sanctioned: PDGA C
Tournament Schedule
Friday, April 12, 2024
14:00 - 19:00 the course ready for practise,
Mandatory check-in in manor-house.
Saturday, April 13, 2024
08:00 on-site registration,
08:45 player’s meeting,
09:15 start of the first round - Birdie Hunt
12:30 lunch,
14:15 second round - CTP on holes 3 MP40, 6 FPO, 10 MJ18, 19 MPO
17:15 competition - Ace Run
Sunday, April 14, 2024
08:45 player’s meeting,
09:15 start of the third round,
12:30 awards ceremony.

Course / Format
All players play 3x18 holes. On Saturday morning we will play a round of 18 holes with random composition of groups. In the afternoon we will play the second round of the same 18 holes by score and divisions. On Sunday morning we will play the third round based on divisions and scores, followed by a short break and the awards ceremony.
In the case of any tie in top 3 places in any of divisions after the final round, the sudden death playoffs on holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc. will take place. We wil play in MPO, FPO, MP40, MJ18, FJ18 divisions.
Registration phase
07.02.2024 20:00 - 14.02.2024
Registration phase
14.02.2024 20:00 - 21.02.2024
Registration phase
21.02.2024 20:00 - 28.02.2024
Registration phase
28.02.2024 20:00 - 05.04.2024
PDGA rating ≥ 960
division MPO
PDGA rating ≥ 840
division FPO
PDGA rating ≥ 930
division MP40
PDGA rating ≥ 900
division MJ18
Player active PDGA member
division FJ18
PDGA rating ≥ 930
division MPO
PDGA rating ≥ 900
division MP40
PDGA rating ≥ 800
division FPO
PDGA rating ≥ 860
division MJ18
Player active PDGA member division FJ18
Players is a SAF member
division MPO, FPO, MP40, MJ18, FJ18
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